Here is just a taste of the items you missed from one small presentation and we’ll be doing it again in Charlotte. Join us
- Does the ACA apply to my business?
- I don’t have 50 FTE employees nor do I anticipate that changing. What should I be concerned with?
- What if I already offer health insurance
- Okay, I have enough FTE employees to meet the definition of a large employer in 2014. What do I do next as I don’t offer health insurance?
- I have (X) workers but not all of them are close to full time (30+/week) but I fall under a Large Employer and I don’t offer health insurance. What is the next step?
- How is the easiest way to figure out the best look back period
- All of that is making my head hurt, I don’t offer health insurance now and I don’t want to. What will happen?
- What does that mean in terms of dollars to me if I am considered a Large Employer?
- I have more than one company. How does the ACA apply to each of them?
- I have a basic understanding but if we choose to just wait for the penalties, when can I expect to be contacted?
- How much money should I plan to put away over 2014 to pay for the penalties if I don’t offer coverage?